Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt ParcElems Alloc MODULE AsciiCoder; (* Copyright (c) ETH Z rich, 1989-95 / ww, shml 10.9.93 *) See, and update if necessary the history at the bottom of the file. (* original by Wolfgang Weck, compression due to Stefan Ludwig *) IMPORT Texts, Files, Oberon, Viewers, MenuViewers, TextFrames, Display; CONST Base = 48; StopBase = 35; N = 16384; Menu = "^Edit.Menu.Text System.Close System.Copy System.Grow Edit.Search Edit.Replace Edit.Parcs Edit.Store EditTools.StoreAscii "; NameList = POINTER TO NameDesc; NameDesc = RECORD next: NameList; name: POINTER TO ARRAY 64 OF CHAR END; w: Texts.Writer; table: ARRAY N OF CHAR; (* hash table for compression *) PROCEDURE Compress*(src, dest: Files.File); (* due to Stefan Ludwig *) from, to: Files.Rider; hash, byte, bit, i: LONGINT; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT table[i] := 0X; INC(i) UNTIL i = N; Files.Set(from, src, 0); Files.Set(to, dest, 0); i := Files.Length(src); Files.WriteNum(to, i); hash := 0; bit := 0; byte := 0; REPEAT Files.Read(from, ch); IF table[hash] = ch THEN (* 0 bit for correct prediction *) INC(bit); IF bit = 8 THEN Files.Write(to, CHR(byte)); byte := 0; bit := 0 END ELSE (* Incorrect prediction -> 1'xxxx'xxxx bits where x = ch[0..7] *) table[hash] := ch; INC(byte, ASH(1, bit)); INC(bit); IF bit = 8 THEN Files.Write(to, CHR(byte)); Files.Write(to, ch); byte := 0; bit := 0 ELSE Files.Write(to, CHR(byte+ASH(ORD(ch), bit) MOD 256)); byte := ASH(ORD(ch), bit) DIV 256 END END; DEC(i); hash := (16*hash+ORD(ch)) MOD N (* hash value *) UNTIL i = 0; IF bit # 0 THEN Files.Write(to, CHR(byte)) END (* write last byte *) END Compress; PROCEDURE Expand*(src, dest: Files.File); (* due to Stefan Ludwig *) from, to: Files.Rider; hash, val, byte, bit, i: LONGINT; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT table[i] := 0X; INC(i) UNTIL i = N; Files.Set(from, src, 0); Files.Set(to, dest, 0); Files.ReadNum(from, i); Files.Read(from, ch); val := ORD(ch); bit := 0; hash := 0; REPEAT INC(bit); IF ODD(val) THEN (* Incorrect prediction -> 1'xxxx'xxxx *) Files.Read(from, ch); IF bit = 8 THEN byte := ORD(ch) ELSE byte := val DIV 2 + ASH(ORD(ch), 8-bit) MOD 256; val := ASH(ORD(ch), -bit) END; table[hash] := CHR(byte) ELSE byte := ORD(table[hash]); val := val DIV 2 (* correct prediction *) END; hash := (16*hash+byte) MOD N; Files.Write(to, CHR(byte)); DEC(i); IF bit = 8 THEN Files.Read(from, ch); val := ORD(ch); bit := 0 END UNTIL i = 0 END Expand; PROCEDURE Code*(from: Files.File; to: Texts.Text); VAR r: Files.Rider; ch: CHAR; byte, rest, div, factor, packs: INTEGER; BEGIN Files.Set(r, from, 0); Files.Read(r, ch); byte := ORD(ch); rest := 0; div := 64; factor := 1; packs := 0; WHILE ~r.eof DO Texts.Write(w, CHR(Base + rest + (byte MOD div) * factor)); rest := byte DIV div; IF div = 4 THEN Texts.Write(w, CHR(Base + rest)); rest := 0; div := 64; factor := 1; INC(packs); IF packs = 19 THEN Texts.WriteLn(w); packs := 0 END ELSE factor := factor * 4; div := div DIV 4 END; Files.Read(r, ch); byte := ORD(ch) END; IF div = 64 THEN Texts.Write(w, CHR(StopBase)) ELSIF div = 16 THEN Texts.Write(w, CHR(Base + rest)); Texts.Write(w, CHR(StopBase + 1)) ELSIF div = 4 THEN Texts.Write(w, CHR(Base + rest)); Texts.Write(w, CHR(StopBase + 2)) END; Texts.WriteLn(w); Texts.Append(to, w.buf) END Code; PROCEDURE Decode*(from: Texts.Text; VAR pos: LONGINT; to: Files.File; VAR ok: BOOLEAN); VAR r: Texts.Reader; w: Files.Rider; rest, div, factor, byte: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(r, from, pos); Files.Set(w, to, 0); factor := 1; div := 256; REPEAT Texts.Read(r, ch) UNTIL (ch > " ") OR r.eot; WHILE ~r.eot & (ch >= CHR(Base)) & (ch < CHR(Base + 64)) DO byte := ORD(ch) - Base; IF factor # 1 THEN Files.Write(w, CHR(rest + (byte MOD div) * factor)); rest := byte DIV div; div := div * 4; factor := factor DIV 4 ELSE rest := byte; div := 4; factor := 64 END; REPEAT Texts.Read(r, ch) UNTIL (ch > " ") OR r.eot END; byte := ORD(ch) - StopBase; ok := (byte = 0) & (div = 256) OR (byte = 1) & (div = 16) OR (byte = 2) & (div = 64) & (rest = 0); pos := Texts.Pos(r) END Decode; PROCEDURE OpenViewer(name: ARRAY OF CHAR; text: Texts.Text); VAR dummyViewer: Viewers.Viewer; f: Display.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Par.vwr.X, x, y); f := TextFrames.NewText(text, 0); dummyViewer := MenuViewers.New(TextFrames.NewMenu(name, Menu), f, TextFrames.menuH, x, y) END OpenViewer; PROCEDURE ReadFileNames(t: Texts.Text; beg, end: LONGINT; VAR names: NameList; VAR pos: LONGINT); VAR last, n: NameList; s: Texts.Scanner; BEGIN NEW(names); last := names; Texts.OpenScanner(s, t, beg); pos := beg; Texts.Scan(s); WHILE (pos < end) & ((s.class = Texts.String) OR (s.class = Texts.Name)) DO NEW(n); := n; last := n; NEW(; COPY(s.s,^); pos := Texts.Pos(s); Texts.Scan(s) END; := NIL; names :=; pos := Texts.Pos(s) END ReadFileNames; PROCEDURE CodeFiles*; VAR pos, beg, end, time: LONGINT; compress: BOOLEAN; names, n: NameList; f, f1: Files.File; text: Texts.Text; s: Texts.Scanner; BEGIN pos := Oberon.Par.pos; compress := FALSE; Texts.OpenScanner(s, Oberon.Par.text, pos); Texts.Scan(s); IF (s.line = 0) & (s.class = Texts.Char) & (s.c = "%") THEN compress := TRUE; pos := Texts.Pos(s); Texts.Scan(s) END; IF (s.line = 0) & (s.class = Texts.Char) & (s.c = "^") THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN ReadFileNames(text, beg, end, names, time) ELSE names := NIL END ELSE ReadFileNames(Oberon.Par.text, pos, Oberon.Par.text.len, names, time) END; IF names # NIL THEN n := names; text := TextFrames.Text(""); Texts.WriteString(w, "AsciiCoder.CodeFiles"); Texts.WriteLn(w); REPEAT f := Files.Old(^); Texts.WriteString(w,^); IF f = NIL THEN Texts.WriteString(w, " not found"); := NIL ELSE Texts.WriteString(w, " coding"); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, w.buf); IF compress THEN f1 := Files.New(""); Compress(f, f1); f := f1 END; Code(f, text) END; Texts.WriteLn(w); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, w.buf); n := UNTIL n = NIL; Texts.WriteString(w,"AsciiCoder.DecodeFiles "); IF compress THEN Texts.WriteString(w, "% ") END; REPEAT IF # NIL THEN Texts.WriteString(w,^); Texts.Write(w, " ") END; names := UNTIL names = NIL; Texts.Write(w, "~"); Texts.WriteLn(w); Texts.WriteLn(w); Texts.Insert(text, 0, w.buf); Texts.WriteInt(w, text.len, 0); Texts.WriteString(w, " characters"); Texts.WriteLn(w); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, w.buf); OpenViewer("AsciiCoder.CodeFiles", text) END CodeFiles; PROCEDURE DecodeFiles*; VAR pos, beg, end, time: LONGINT; i, res: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; ok, compress: BOOLEAN; f, f1: Files.File; text: Texts.Text; s: Texts.Scanner; names: NameList; bakname: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN text := Oberon.Par.text; pos := Oberon.Par.pos; compress := FALSE; Texts.OpenScanner(s, text, pos); Texts.Scan(s); IF (s.line = 0) & (s.class = Texts.Char) & (s.c = "%") THEN compress := TRUE; pos := Texts.Pos(s); Texts.Scan(s) END; IF (s.line = 0) & (s.class = Texts.Char) & (s.c = "@") THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN ReadFileNames(text, beg, end, names, pos) ELSE names := NIL END ELSE ReadFileNames(text, pos, text.len, names, pos) END; Texts.WriteString(w, "AsciiCoder.DecodeFiles"); Texts.WriteLn(w); ok := TRUE; WHILE (names # NIL) & ok DO f := Files.New(^); Texts.WriteString(w,^); Texts.WriteString(w, " decoding"); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, w.buf); i := 0; ch :=[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO bakname[i] := ch; INC(i); ch :=[i] END; bakname[i] := "."; bakname[i + 1] := "B"; bakname[i + 2] := "a"; bakname[i + 3] := "k"; bakname[i + 4] := 0X; Files.Rename(^, bakname, res); Decode(text, pos, f, ok); IF ok THEN IF compress THEN f1 := Files.New(^); Expand(f, f1); f := f1 END; Files.Register(f) ELSE Texts.WriteString(w, " error.") END; Texts.WriteLn(w); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, w.buf); names := END DecodeFiles; PROCEDURE CodeText*; VAR beg, end, time: LONGINT; compress: BOOLEAN; v: Viewers.Viewer; f, f1: Files.File; r: Files.Rider; t, text: Texts.Text; s: Texts.Scanner; BEGIN compress := FALSE; Texts.OpenScanner(s, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(s); IF (s.line = 0) & (s.class = Texts.Char) & (s.c = "%") THEN compress := TRUE; Texts.Scan(s) END; IF (s.line = 0) & (s.class = Texts.Char) THEN t := NIL; IF s.c = "*" THEN v := Oberon.MarkedViewer(); IF (v IS MenuViewers.Viewer) & ( IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN t := END ELSIF s.c = "@" THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN t := TextFrames.Text(""); Texts.Save(text, beg, end, w.buf); Texts.Append(t, w.buf) END END; IF t # NIL THEN f := Files.New(""); Files.Set(r, f, 0); Files.Write(r, 0F0X); Files.Write(r, 01X); Texts.Store(r, t); text := TextFrames.Text(""); Texts.WriteString(w, "AsciiCoder.DecodeText"); IF compress THEN Texts.WriteString(w, " %") END; Texts.WriteLn(w); Texts.WriteLn(w); Texts.Append(text, w.buf); IF compress THEN f1 := Files.New(""); Compress(f, f1); f := f1 END; Code(f, text); OpenViewer("AsciiCoder.CodeText", text); Texts.WriteString(w, "AsciiCoder.CodeText "); Texts.WriteInt(w, text.len, 0); Texts.WriteString(w, " characters"); Texts.WriteLn(w); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, w.buf) END END CodeText; PROCEDURE DecodeText*; VAR pos, beg, end, time: LONGINT; ok, compress: BOOLEAN; f, f1: Files.File; r: Files.Rider; text: Texts.Text; s: Texts.Scanner; BEGIN compress := FALSE; pos := Oberon.Par.pos; f := Files.New(""); Texts.OpenScanner(s, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(s); IF (s.line = 0) & (s.class = Texts.Char) & (s.c = "%") THEN compress := TRUE; pos := Texts.Pos(s); Texts.Scan(s) END; IF (s.line = 0) & (s.class = Texts.Char) & (s.c = "@") THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN Decode(text, beg, f, ok) ELSE ok := FALSE END ELSE Decode(Oberon.Par.text, pos, f, ok) END; IF ok THEN IF compress THEN f1 := Files.New(""); Expand(f, f1); f := f1 END; text := TextFrames.Text(""); Files.Set(r, f, 2); Texts.Load(r, text); OpenViewer("AsciiCoder.DecodeText", text) ELSE Texts.WriteString(w, "AsciiCoder.DecodeText error."); Texts.WriteLn(w); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, w.buf) END DecodeText; BEGIN Texts.OpenWriter(w) END AsciiCoder. Date Author Modification 1996-08-01 First unified version.